Friday, September 22, 2006

Inspect This

On my way home from work last night, Deputy Barney Fife himself pulled me over in my own neighborhood because I don't have a state inspection sticker. How do I know it was Barney Fife? Well, he was shaking as he walked up to the car and he didn't know what the fine was for my "offense" or the methods in which I could pay it. Oh, and he looked like he was 12.

So, according to Deputy Fife, if I get a state inspection done by my court date (that's right, you have to go to fucking court for a $15 infraction), the violation will be forgiven. So, now I have to find a mechanic who gives good inspection. Let's put it this way, I want to go in, pay $15, and ten minutes later walk out with the damn decal. If I go somewhere and they tell me I need $300 in mainenance to pass inspection, I might just go postal.

And for the record, the inspection law is one of the worst abuses of government regulation known to human kind. It does nothing to improve vehicle safety or protect the environment. It's essentially legalized extortion. The large corporations that own most franchised repair shops dump cash into politicians' campaign funds, the politicians put this law in place and direct law enforcement to emphasize enforcement of it, and you and I get hosed. We have to comply with the law by having some mechanic tell us ten diffferent things that have to be repaired or we fail inspection. "Mr. Hippocrat, item #15 on the list of things we've found - wiper blades are worn, $50 to replace." Hence, a $300 repair bill and big profits for the CEOs and corporate boards.

Most government functions in this country today are a result of the corporate sector buying government power and using it to transfer wealth from the middle and working class to the super wealthy. That is why I am not a down-the-line liberal - government is far too invasive and far too powerful. I am against the concentration of power, regardless of the cause or purpose.


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