Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Kerry-Bush II

I thought Bush was somewhat better prepared in terms of having more hard-hitting lines and a clear plan of attack. His anger was frightening, especially when he steam-rolled Gibson on a rebuttal - very UN-presidential. I'm sure that Bush's demeanor reflects the typical GOP response to everything - just act tougher and meaner and the base will be reassured.

Kerry was not quite as sharp as the first go-round, and I thought he tried to cram too much information into his responses - he seemed rushed at times. In spite of this, I still thought he did well - poise, knowledge and repoire with the audience was much better than Bush. He also drilled Bush several times, such as on the partial-birth ban and parental notification - I wonder how many female votes Bush lost on that one.

With that said, I can't see how this debate resolves any of Bush's problems from the first debate. First, his unhinged tirade during the first half of the debate, in my judgement, turned off independents and undecideds. No one wants to be screamed at when trying to make a decision about something important. Could you imagine your real estate agent screaming at you while you are touring a home that you're not quite sure is the right one for you? Can you say, "your fired"?

Second, Bush still comes off as ignorant, no matter what his spinners say - ignorant of the economic situtation of many Americans, ignorant of the true problems in Iraq, ignorant on social issues. He may have strong positions on abortion, taxes, etc., but these convictions are bathed in ignorance.

Kerry had several opportunities to perhaps crush Bush at this debate the way he did at the first one, but he failed to do so. Bush left him the Grand Canyon of openings on the final question - regarding naming three mistakes he's made as president. Bush could not indicate that he even suspected that anything he's done might possibly be a mistake. I thought Kerry's response was insuffucient - yes Bush made a colossal error in invading Iraq, but this was a chance to label his entire administration as a mistake and Kerry missed it.

Kerry also answered that question on Bush's terms - as he did several other questions - by talking about Iraq. The question was about the totality of Bush's term, and Bush started his response saying that the question was really about Iraq. Kerry should have responded to the original question, and by doing that, obliterate Bush for being totally incapable of admitting when he's been wrong.

One thing has me worried about the final debate, and that is Bush's focus on the social agenda. This is weak ground for Kerry in terms of defending his own positions. Not weak in terms of the legitimacy of his stances, but weak in the practicality of rhetorically defending them in a debate of this format. If he responds as he did to the question about partial-birth and parental notification, he'll do well. If he responds as he did on the question about federal funding for abortion, Bush the Rabid Right-Wing Dog will eat him alive.


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