Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!

The three-ring circus held this past sunday in Louisville known as "Justice Sunday" was organized by one Tony Perkins. Mr. Perkins it appears, has a long history of pandering to white supremacists. More at the Nation:

Senate majority leader Bill Frist appeared through a telecast as a speaker at "Justice Sunday," at the invitation of the event's main sponsor, Family Research Council president Tony Perkins. "Justice Sunday" was promoted as a rally to portray Democrats as being "against people of faith." Many of the speakers compared the plight of conservative Christians to the civil rights movement. But in sharing the stage with Perkins, who introduced him to the rally, Frist was associating himself with someone who has longstanding ties to racist organizations.

There's nothing like the smell of hypocrisy in the morning.

The Radical Right-wing has really done a great job duping the mainstream media into believing as if these people have some strong moral fiber - but the truth is a lot of the people in this movement were segregationists and racists a generation ago. Is it possible they have seen the light and abandoned their prejudice?

Um, no! Look at the language they spewed at this event, and the things they say in the media - they still push hate and intolerance, they've just changed the names that they are calling the groups they are inflicting their venom on.


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