Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Republicans are tyrants, but the Democrats are enablers.

So a group of moderates (read conservatives) made a deal on judges and the Radical Repugnicans are already talking about breaking it, here and here. How stupid can the Democrats be? Did Reid really expect the Frist to hold to the deal? The Democrats just won’t learn. You can’t make deals with a group of people (Republicans) who do not understand the meaning of the word “trust.”

The problem with the Democrats, in my view, is that they are simply too committed to maintaining their place in the current system and will salvage any scrap of perceived progress to keep from losing that place. The ruthless Repugnicans are too adept at this game for the Democrats to fathom. So the R’s threaten the Dems in the Senate with something they have absolutely no authority to do, and they likely couldn’t actually pull off anyway, so that they can eviscerate the role of the opposition, knowing that the Dems are predisposed to compromising to avoid losing big.

So the Dems promise not to filibuster except only in extreme cases in order to be allowed to filibuster at all. They will also allow several extremely unacceptable nominees to go through. So what exactly have the Dem preserved? If Owens and Brown are not “extreme cases,” then which nominees would be? When exactly can the Dems filibuster now? And by giving up the previously filibustered nominees, the Dems all but conceded that political expediency trumps principle. “Well, these nominees are only worth filibustering if we aren’t threatened with losing our rights as the minority party and the opposition.”

That’s horse manure.

Any moron would see that the Repugs will break their part of the deal the first chance they get. And they will go all over TV and radio saying it was the Dems who broke the deal! It’s so F-ING OBVIOUS.

Nice job, folks, you pissed away any sort of useful opposition to the extreme right wing so that you go to sleep at night thinking you preserved your place in the system.

The Democrats are not the solution; they are part of the problem.


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