Internal Review (a.k.a. Cover Up)
Josh Marshall's analysis is excellent here:
The entire discussion of the 'internal review' the Speaker's office conducted seems intended to drive home the point that while pretty much the entire GOP House leadership knew about the Foley 'matter', no one beside backbencher Rodney Alexander (R-LA) actually saw the emails.
Now, here's the problem as far as I can see this. Supposedly, no one in a position of authority ever lays eyes on these emails, presumably because they're relatively innocuous. But at the same time they can't be seen by anyone else because "family wished to maintain as much privacy as possible." Those two points don't really square in my mind.
So everyone's very mindful of the privacy of the family. But somehow Rep. Boehner and Rep. Reynolds found out about it from Rep. Alexander. And Reynolds mentioned it to Hastert. But Hastert doesn't remember. And Boehner told Hastert about it too. And Hastert said it was being taken care of. Only Hastert never heard about it ...
The press release attempts to "walk-back" the assertion that Speaker Hastert and other members of the GOP leadership in the House had any real knowledge that they were protecting and covering up for a pedophile.
From the speakers' press release today:
Congressman Tom Reynolds in a statement issued today indicates that many months later, in the spring of 2006, he was approached by Congressman Alexander who mentioned the Foley issue from the previous fall. During a meeting with the Speaker he says he noted the issue which had been raised by Alexander and told the Speaker that an investigation was conducted by the Clerk of the House and Shimkus. While the Speaker does not explicitly recall this conversation, he has no reason to dispute Congressman Reynold's recollection that he reported to him on the problem and its resolution.
No one in the Speaker's Office was made aware of the sexually explicit text messages which press reports suggest had been directed to another individual until they were revealed in the press and on the internet this week. In fact, no one was ever made aware of any sexually explicit email or text messages at any time.
Oh, and by the way, the Democrat on the Page Board was not informed of anything:
"As the Democratic Member of the House Page Board, any statement by Mr. Reynolds or anyone else that the House Page Board ever investigated Mr. Foley is completely untrue."I was never informed of the allegations about Mr. Foley's inappropriate communications with a House Page and I was never involved in any inquiry into this matter.
"The first and only meeting of the House Page Board on this matter occurred on Friday, September 29 at approximately 6 p.m., after the allegations about Mr. Foley had become public."
This is an all-out attempt to ceover-up and kill this story. Something like this, which demonstrates institutional corruption and criminality, can bring down a government. Clinton was impeached for lying about sex. The GOP House leadership is covering up for a pedophile to avoid the rightful consequences of their actions - removal from power and possible criminal prosecution.
These are the men who decide to send Americans off to war in Iraq. They say the warriors are sent to protect freedom. Not the freedom of the people, but the freedom of pasty white fat asses to protect pedophiles and bribers and women-beaters. Oh, and also to rubber-stamp the tyranny of this buffoon.