Wednesday, September 27, 2006

I write an e-letter

I had to use the web-form on the congressional web sites to send this to the following congresscritters: Allen, Warner, Clinton, Reid, Hagel, Kerry, Obama, Cantor. I was able to e-mail it to Feingold. Here's the letter:

I am writing to urge you to vote against the interrogation/military tribunal/detainee bill. This is one of the most horrible pieces of legislation ever to be considered by the US Congress. It legalizes torture, it violates the Constitution, and it erodes America’s moral authority in the world.

The bill legalizes torture. We’ve all seen the photos from the prisons in Iraq. We’ve read the reports about illegal rendition and “aggressive interrogation” tactics used by the Bush Administration on terror suspects. We’ve seen the false imprisonment of individuals who had nothing to do with terrorism. If any of these things happened to a US citizen or US soldier, we would certainly accuse their captors of torture and violating human dignity. We would demand justice.

Committing these acts in the name of protecting the American people does not make it any less a violation of fundamental human rights. Waterboarding a suspected “evil-doer” is still torture. Detaining people indefinitely with no access to legal relief is still a violation of human rights. Even if torturing someone resulted in information that saved millions of lives, it does not legally excuse the torture or make torture morally right. A nation of laws upholds the law. Those responsible for torture, no matter how justified any of us believe it to be, must be held accountable under the law.

But let’s be honest. We all know that torture…excuse me, “aggressive interrogation”…does not work except in very rare and very critical situations. This administration has used these tactics far too often and far too freely for even the “a single piece of information might save millions” argument to apply. That dog won’t hunt.

Governments that engage in torture must be held accountable. Presidents that order that torture be carried out must be held accountable. By passing this bill, the US Congress not only will refuse to hold this Administration accountable, it will throw its lot in with this President, thereby becoming an accomplice to his crimes. The only lawful, constitutional, and moral course is to vote down this bill.

This nation decided long ago that no individual was above the law. September 11th did not change that. If Congress passes this bill, then it attempts to place the President above the law. This bill will, in essence, give the President the power to do anything in the name of protecting the country from terror with no accountability for his actions. This is unconstitutional. The President does not have the authority to define what torture is and the Congress does not have the authority to empower him to define it. The Congress should either redefine torture specifically or scrap this bill entirely. I urge the latter.

I hear our political leaders say we are a nation of laws. How then, is torture lawful? I hear from some of our political leaders that we are a Christian nation. Then, is torture a Christian value? I hear from our political leaders that we are a nation of freedom and liberty. In what way does torture make us freer?

Think about your oath of office. How can you honestly tell your constituents you have fulfilled your oath if you have not aggressively worked to defeat this bill? The bill is a violation of the Constitution and it is a moral abomination. The only moral action here is to do everything in your power to stop this bill from passing.

Torture is wrong. I urge you to stop this bill.


Blogger Seven Star Hand said...

Hello Lil' Hippocrat and all,

Why do religious leaders and followers so often participate in and support blatant evil?

The time is long past to stop focusing on symptoms and myriad details and finally seek lasting solutions. Until we address the core causes of the millennia of struggle and suffering that have bedeviled humanity, these repeating cycles of evil will never end.

History is replete with examples of religious leaders and followers advocating, supporting, and participating in blatant evil. Regardless of attempts to shift or deny blame, history clearly records the widespread crimes of Christianity. Whether we're talking about the abominations of the Inquisition, Crusades, the greed and genocide of colonizers, slavery in the Americas, or the Bush administration's recent deeds and results, Christianity has always spawned great evil. The deeds of many Muslims and the state of Israel are also prime examples.

The paradox of adherents who speak of peace and good deeds contrasted with leaders and willing cohorts knowingly using religion for evil keeps the cycle of violence spinning through time. Why does religion seem to represent good while always serving as a constant source of deception, conflict, and the chosen tool of great deceivers? The answer is simple. The combination of faith and religion is a strong delusion purposely designed to affect one's ability to reason clearly. Regardless of the current pope's duplicitous talk about reason, faith and religion are the opposite of truth, wisdom, and justice and completely incompatible with logic.

Religion, like politics and money, creates a spiritual, conceptual, and karmic endless loop. By their very nature, they always create opponents and losers which leads to a never ending cycle of losers striving to become winners again, ad infinitum. This purposeful logic trap always creates myriad sources of conflict and injustice, regardless of often-stated ideals, which are always diluted by ignorance and delusion. The only way to stop the cycle is to convert or kill off all opponents or to end the systems and concepts that drive it.

Think it through, would the Creator of all knowledge and wisdom insist that you remain ignorant by simply believing what you have been told by obviously duplicitous religious founders and leaders? Would a compassionate Creator want you to participate in a system that guarantees injustice and suffering to your fellow souls? Isn’t it far more likely that religion is a tool of greedy men seeking to profit from the ignorance of followers and the strife it constantly foments? When you mix religion with the equally destructive delusions of money and politics, injustice, chaos, and the profits they generate are guaranteed.


...and here...


8:30 PM  

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