Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Mother of God

Geesh, it gets more outrageous each day!

So Bush tells us that we went into Iraq to disarm Saddam and eliminate the threat of weapons of mass destruction. Now it's clear that not only was Saddam not a threat and did not possess such weapons, but our own incompetence in handling the post-war situation as actually caused the disappearence of materials that could be used to create WMD.

These materials were tagged for monitoring by the IAEA and had been dormant ever since the UN forced Saddam to shut down his weapons programs after the first Gulf War. The UN had monitored them the whole time, all the way up to when we invaded and the UN had to flee. Now everything's vanished without a trace.

It's one thing to be wrong about the prescene of WMD, it's something else entirely to be the actual cause of terrorists getting their hands on stuff that can be used to make WMD. If someone builds and uses a bomb from stuff that was stolen from these facilities, the blood will be on Bush's hands.


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