No Sense of Decency
Listening to Franken today and a caller was describing something some of the delegates to the Republican Convention are wearing. Here it is: they are wearing Purple Heart bandaids in "honor" of John Kerry. When asked about it, they reply, "I got a little scratch."
I can't even begin to describe how angry this makes me. Anyone with ANY sense of decency would not belittle soldiers' sacrifices by wearing something that demeans the symbol of that sacrifice. Thousands of Americans have gotten Purple Hearts, and I'm willing to grant that every single one of them deserved it, whether it's a superficial scratch or the loss of an entire limb or worse. They served, put their lives in harm's way, and were fortunate not to have been killed (actually, many of them were killed - the PH is awarded posthumously for combat deaths).
By wearing the Purple Heart Bandaid, these people are essentially saying that Purple Hearts are meaningless or a joke, war wounds aren't all that bad, and military service really isn't anything to be proud of.
Yet who toots "the military service" horn? Who wraps themselves in the flag to justify everything they do? Who worships George W. Bush has a strong, courageous leader (A guy who used the Texas Air National Guard as a safe haven to avoid 'Nam and on 9-11 flew to Nebraska to avoid DC at the height of the crisis)? That's right, republicans.
No sense of decency. None. Zero. And they are supposed to be the "moral" party? Give me a f***ing break.